
12月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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Please listen with headphones!JBL PartyBox 300 vs PartyBox 100 I'd like to know how big is the sound difference in both on battery mode and in ac mode A family member owns the PartyBox 300 and it sounds amazing I'd just like to know how big of a difference there is and is the extra battery, 2 more strobe lights, extra power, and bigger size worth the extra money The The JBL partybox 100 has a lighter and smaller weight in size than the JBL partybox 300 or any other JBL speakers JBL partybox 100 it weighs 970kg and has a smaller dimension, Which is why it is easily shiftable by a single person Dimensions 290 mm× 2 mm× 551 mm JBL partybox 300 – 1584 kg speaker Jbl partybox 100 vs 300 vs 1000

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 The base 27″ model includes GeForce GTX 660M graphics with 512 MB of video memory, and the topend 27″ iMac has GTX 660M graphics with 1 GB of video memory (expandable to 2 GB) The Late 13 iMacs also have gigabit ethernet, Bluetooth 40, and ship with Apple's wireless keyboard, Magic Mouse, and Magic TrackpadA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M graphics processor with 512 MB of dedicated GDDR5 memory It also has a builtin "FaceTime HD" webcam and stereo speakers, but lacks an optical drive This model has a 27" 2560x1440 LEDbacklit 169 widescreen IPS display with the "cover glass fully laminated to the LCD and antireflective coating" Nvidia geforce gtx 660m 512 mb imac

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